Decomposition of the Trail Making Test - Reliability and Validity of a Computer Assisted Method for Data Collection


  • Amir M Poreh Cleveland State University / Case Western University Medical Center
  • Ashley Miller University of Tulsa
  • Philipp Dines University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University
  • Jennifer Levin Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine University Hospitals Case Medical Center


The present study describes the use of computer assisted software to decompose the Trail Making Test. The study shows that this methodology is reliable and produces data comparable to those which are produced using pencil and paper forms. Additionally, it confirms that particular sections of the Trail Making Test provide incremental validity for the assessment of executive functions as measured by the Verbal Fluency and Five Point Tests. The present study suggests that the adaptation of computer assisted testing to clinical practice is an important evolutionary step as it provides clinicians with higher resolution for traditional measures and discerns the multiple cognitive operations within them, allowing for the identification of nonspecific error variance that impacts test performance.

Author Biographies

Amir M Poreh, Cleveland State University / Case Western University Medical Center

Associate Professor

Ashley Miller, University of Tulsa

M.A., I am a third year doctoral student at the University of Tulsa studying clinical psychology.

Philipp Dines, University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Case Western Reserve University Medical Director Inpatient Neurogeropsychiatry Service Geropsychiatry Fellowship Program University Hospitals Case Medical Center Distinguished Fellow American Psychiatric Association

Jennifer Levin, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine University Hospitals Case Medical Center

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry


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Neuropsychological Assessment