Does Memory Predict Decline in Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults with Alzheimer's Disease?


  • Sarah West Nova Southeastern University
  • Robert Mc Cue Nova Southeastern University, South Florida Neurology Associates
  • Charles Golden Nova Southeastern University


As the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases, neuropsychologists will need to make accurate recommendations regarding cognitive and functional decline in these individuals. Since memory impairment is the hallmark of AD, this study examined whether auditory and visual memory could significantly predict deficits in self-care activities. Participants were older adults diagnosed with AD, who received a neuropsychological battery assessing their functional decline and memory. Of auditory memory measures, immediate auditory memory was significantly correlated with declines financial and medication management; none of the auditory memory measures were significantly correlated with declines in driving, dressing, grooming, or feeding abilities. Of the visual-spatial memory measures, the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) was significantly correlated with declines in financial management, and RCFT and immediate visual memory were significantly correlated with declines in medication management. The RCFT and delayed visual memory were significantly correlated with declines in driving and dressing abilities. None of visual-spatial measures were significantly correlated with declines in grooming or feeding. The results indicated that different patterns in memory impairments can be used to predict declines in different self care activities.

Author Biographies

Sarah West, Nova Southeastern University

Psychology Intern, University of Alabama Birmingham; 5th year psychology trainee at Nova Southeastern University

Robert Mc Cue, Nova Southeastern University, South Florida Neurology Associates

Psy.D., M.S. in psychopharmocology Adjunct Professor, Nova Southeastern University, Neuropsychologist, South Florida Neurology Associates

Charles Golden, Nova Southeastern University

Ph.D. ABPP-CN, Professor and Neuropsychologist, Nova Southeastern University


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Neuropsychological Assessment